Social Work Supervision During COVID-19 Global Pandemic

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Our country is currently going through an unprecedented time due to the novel COVID-19 virus. Social Workers on the front lines of this pandemic continue to provide service and care to the most vulnerable members of our society making the need for competent Supervision even more important than it already is. This article reviews some of the major ways that Social Work Supervision can help Social Workers during this time.

Support for the Social Worker

Many frontline workers are struggling with anxiety, fear, and lack of control and Social Workers are no different. While Social Work Supervision is not the appropriate venue for "mental health counseling," talking about work place struggles and coping skills are appropriate topics of discussion in Supervision. Right now, Social Work Supervision can focus on new workplace directives, policies, procedures, as well as the workers thoughts and feelings about these changes and any challenges they may be encountering when trying to assist their clients.

Additionally, Social Workers often provide support for not just their clients but also for their colleagues and coworkers making the need for a safe and confidential space to process their feelings, as well as the feelings of those around them all the more needed.

Lastly, due to the fact that many workplace supervision programs may have been suspended for the time being, Supervision that is provided outside the workplace can provide an additional layer of support to the worker that they may not be otherwise receiving depending on their agency.

Ensure Ethical Practices

Early on in the COVID-19 pandemic there was talk of doctors having to decide which patients would be receiving treatment, and which would not. This not only presented huge moral dilemmas, but also raised questions of ethics, for doctors, nurses and Social Workers. While talk of this practice has died down it has brought up the fact that due to the newness of the pandemic ethical issues could, and likely will arise. Having Social Work Supervision in place can help to ensure the ethical practice of any Social Workers involved in a given case and should be a frequent topic of discussion in supervision sessions.

Creative Delivery of Needed Services

While doctors and nurses are focused on providing support for the physical/medical needs of clients, because Social Workers are trained to assess the holistic needs of the people they help they are uniquely qualified to not only evaluate any possible barriers to a clients mental and emotional wellbeing, but also to provide creative solutions to these needs.

For example: Hospital Social Workers assessment that some patients on COVID-19 floors are experiencing extreme isolation and boredom during their hospitalizations have started bringing magazines and books for the patients to utilize during their stay (the items are thrown away after the patients leave the hospital to ensure safety).

Technological Oversight

The novel COVID-19 virus has caused many business across the country to shift the location of their employees to online and home based options and Social Work has been no different. However, due to HIPPA and the need for confidentiality of the clients with whom Social Workers provide services, home based work and technology requires education and oversight. Supervisors who have training and experience providing online services to clients are in high demand. Social Workers who are new to Telehealth or online service delivery should be able to run their questions and concerns past Supervisors who have training and experience providing this type of service.

If you are a Social Worker who has experience, training, and supervision credentials please reach out to your state board and NASW branch and notify them of your expertise so that they can help direct Social Workers in need of your services in your direction.


Social Workers are on the front lines of the COVID-19 pandemic and may or may not be receiving training Supervision depending on agency ability. Training Supervision can provide an extra layer of support and help to ensure the wellbeing of Social Workers on the front lines. Ethics and technology are two topics that should be discussed during Social Work Supervision related to this pandemic due to the specific concerns that may arise related to both of these topics. Social Work Training Supervision can help provide support, ensure emotional wellbeing, and competent delivery of services during this unprecedented time.

If you're a Social Worker in the state of Ohio, and you are looking for someone to help you reach your Supervision goals please feel free to reach out! Be Supervised would love to help you!

If you are a Social Worker elsewhere in the United States and you are in need of supervision please contact your local NASW or state licensing board for help finding a qualified supervisor.

*Follow the Be Supervised Social Work Supervision blog at for more articles related to supervision.
