Why Paying for Social Work Supervision Pays Off (Even When Your Workplace Offers Supervision for Free)

Seeking Supervision is a big career step for any Social Worker for several reasons, including cost. Many Social Workers consider receiving supervision in the workplace to be a major benefit of a particular job as this usually means the cost is absorbed by their employer. While cost is a major factor in pursuing supervision here are three reasons why Social Workers should consider seeking supervision outside the office:

Unbiased Opinion
Let’s face it, no matter where we work, no organization is free from politics. Having a supervisor outside the workplace is a great way to ensure that Social Workers in supervision are getting an unbiased opinion of their work. Social Workers are also free to discuss their concerns surrounding the workplace and how they can best handle situations without concern that their direct supervisor or higher-level management will get wind, or be upset in any way by the supervisees comments.

Can Be More Vulnerable and Authentic
For many, admitting they have a practice weakness, especially in front of their direct supervisor is not appealing. Due to the rules around confidentiality in supervision, Social Workers who pay for supervision outside of the workplace can rest assured that they are sharing the weakest pieces of themselves in a safe place (unless the supervisee is committing an egregious act of some kind). For some, it can also be easier to let their guard down when receiving supervision from a person who is not managing work performance, such as writing their yearly reviews, which means they can be more vulnerable and authentic without fear that it will affect their review in anyway.

Can Become an Additional Resource
Not all, but a lot of Social Workers pursuing supervision are relatively new to their careers. This means that they have not yet built up their professional network. Having a broad network of Social Work resources to call on means more access to assistance for clients. As a result of paid supervision, a supervisor can be one more resource Social Workers can call on when they need assistance helping clients to get their needs addressed. Also, as discussed in a previous blog post (The 5 Reasons Why Social Workers Should Invest in Training Supervision: https://besupervised.blogspot.com/2018/08/5-reasons-why-social-workers-should.html),  Supervisors are also a great professional reference as Social Workers continue to advance in their careers.

Pursuing clinical level licensure is a time consuming and costly endeavor whether supervision is received in the workplace or not. For many, especially newer Social Workers, it can be hard to afford the cost of supervision outside the workplace. However, the benefits of having outside supervision, even if only able to pay out of pocket for a small amount of supervision sessions, can be worth the investment. If looking for a supervisor to help you reach your career goals please contact your state NASW Career Branch or state licensing board.

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