A Read No Social Worker Should Miss: Imperfect Courage, by Jessica Honegger

Part of how I continue to nurture my career and engage in self-care is through reading. To curl up with a good book after a long day, or early on a weekend morning with a cup of coffee spells a certain kind of heaven for me. Even better if that book is related to Social Work and reinvigorates the passion and drive I have for this profession before the start of another busy week. I recently found such a book and wanted to share it on this blog. While  this book is not supervision related, I’m sharing it with you because it is Social Work related, and of course, there would be no Social Work supervision without first having Social Work.

During a recent trip to the library where I conduct the majority of my supervision sessions I stumbled across the book Imperfect Courage, by Jessica Honegger. Ms. Honegger is the founder and Co-CEO of Noonday Collection. I confess I had no idea what this company was prior to reading this book, but I learned that Noonday Collection is the largest fair-trade accessory brand in the world. So while you would think this book would be all about building a successful brand and business (and indeed there is a little of that), it is actually a story about people, relationships, and following your dreams even when you don’t feel very brave.

The reason this book is perfect for Social Workers is because Ms. Honegger takes the values of the Social Work profession (Dignity and Worth of a Person, Human Relationships, Integrity, etc…) and uses them to create a company that has successfully changed thousands of lives around the world. The author did this by creating a way for people to support themselves and their families via legitimate paid work. This is a feel-good book that hits at the core of why so many of us went into the profession, to make the world a better place. Without spoiling the magic of the story telling this book has to offer its readers, what I can tell you is that these pages are chalk full of highlightable passages and phrases like:

“People are made to be loved, not fixed. People are not problems to be solved. Far better is banishing the us versus them and seeing all people as part of ourselves.” -pg 159

In addition to little gems like this, Jessica shares her stories about real life people in pockets of the world most of us will never know which provides a level of depth to the words she writers that make her story all the more magical.

Jessica is also completely relate-able, humble, and human from start to finish. I was moved by her writing and could not read this book fast enough. By the end you are left feeling that Jessica could be one of your colleagues or closet friends in the fight against poverty and oppression of vulnerable people.

Part of why this book works is because it’s broken into three parts. Each part explaining how you can change your life, make a difference in the lives of others, and come out stronger and better for it at the journey’s end. Several other reasons why this book is appealing to me, and likely others, is because it’s feminist without being “bra burning;” it’s honest without being harsh; and it’s passionate without being preachy. In short, it tows the line between gently inspiring you, and waking you up with a good swift shake.

So what kind of Social Worker should read this book? This book is for the Social Worker who wants to leave that nine to five job and open their own business. It’s for the Social Worker who is in the trenches looking for the hope that says what they are doing matters. And, it’s for the Social Workers who are also moms who struggle with being pulled in multiple directions. If any of this sounds like you, come get your dose of feel good advice that is practical AND usable with Jessica Honegger’s Imperfect Courage. I promise you won’t be disappointed.  I hope you decide to invest some of your precious self-care time in this book and that you find it as positive and career affirming as I did.

If you’ve been reading a great book that has reinvigorated your Social Work career let us know so we can read it too!

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